

An artist’s duty, as far as I’m concerned, is to reflect the times. I think that is true of painters, sculptors, poets, musicians. How can you be an artist and not reflect the times? That to me is the definition of an artist.

Nina Simone

The Beatle, the Bankie and the Bouquet
Friday, 06 August 2021 09:13

The Beatle, the Bankie and the Bouquet

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in Music
Chris McGachy uncovers the full story behind Lennon’s donation to the workers as he transformed from affable moptop to militant activist following the breakup of The Beatles. 50 years ago – in the summer of 1971 – John Lennon was putting the final studio touches to his global anthem, Imagine.…
Prokofiev and Peter and the Wolf
K2_PUBLISHED_ON Thursday, 22 April 2021 07:27

Prokofiev and Peter and the Wolf

in Music
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Jenny Farrell introduces Sergei Prokofiev’s “Peter and the Wolf”, one of the most famous pieces of music for children ever written Sergei Sergeyevich Prokofiev is among the great composers of the 20th century. He was born 130 years ago, on 23rd April 1891 in Sontsovka in the Ukraine, into a…
“Radio Station: Harlem”: Listening to Langston Hughes
K2_PUBLISHED_ON Friday, 11 September 2020 09:14

“Radio Station: Harlem”: Listening to Langston Hughes

in Music
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As increasingly militarised police forces and emboldened white supremacists provoke and attack people of colour and their allies, Ciarán O'Rourke shows the relevance of Langston Hughes' political poetry “I tried to write poems like the songs they sang on Seventh Street,” recalled Langston Hughes of his first literary forays: songs…
Wednesday, 26 August 2020 14:31

Rule Britannia and the shameful arrogance of right-wing class politics

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in Music
Stuart Cartland criticises the jingoistic response to the BBC's decisions about Rule Britannia. If as a nation we are to be serious about addressing racism and legacies of oppression then the recent furore about the possibility of dropping Rule Britannia from the BBC's Last Night of the Proms is a…
Singing new forms of escape: Paul Robeson's afterlife in a U.S. prison
Monday, 03 August 2020 16:12

Singing new forms of escape: Paul Robeson's afterlife in a U.S. prison

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in Music
Shana L. Redmond writes about Paul Robeson’s afterlife in a U.S. Prison “I have begun to undertake the task of trying to establish a Paul Robeson month here at Marion Federal Penitentiary,” wrote Bil Brown-El. An incarcerated person in the medium security prison in rural Illinois, USA, Brown-El addressed his…
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