Thursday, 25 January 2024 20:02

Happy birthday Robert Burns!

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in Poetry
Happy birthday Robert Burns!

Here's tae the man's life -
its drivin root, its rise, its faur reach –
and tae the great hairst he gather'd in!

Here's tae the wark -
the high skill, the luve, the daurk hours -
that he pit in!

Here's tae the words that he gar'd flow -
a muckle stream -
frae his hert's ferment and his mind's still!

Here's tae the faur-travellin o' that stream!
Here's tae its carried gowd!
Here's tae the lang and future legacy
ane sma' life endow'd!

Read 672 times
David Betteridge

David Betteridge is the author of a collection of poems celebrating Glasgow and its radical traditions, 'Granny Albyn's Complaint', published by Smokestack Books in 2008. He is also the editor of a compilation of poems, songs, prose memoirs, photographs and cartoons celebrating the 1971-2 UCS work-in on Clydeside. This book, called 'A Rose Loupt Oot', was published by Smokestack Books in 2011.