Monday, 01 April 2024 12:48

Sir Jeffrey Donaldson

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in Poetry
Sir Jeffrey Donaldson

Sir Jeffrey Donaldson
(A bilingual limerick by Gabriel Rosenstock)

The whole thing's a bit of a blur
I admit, I have caused a wee stir
Please, don't be unkind
What's most on my mind
Is can I hang on to the 'Sir'?

An mbainfear díom an onóir
A tháinig chugamsa ón gCoróin?
Do bheadh Jeffrey leis féin
Gan 'Sir' roimhe bréan
Ní bheadh ann ach taca gan tóin

Read 402 times
Gabriel Rosenstock

Gabriel Rosenstock was born in postcolonial Ireland and is a poet, haikuist, tankaist, translator, playwright, novelist, short story writer and essayist.