

An artist’s duty, as far as I’m concerned, is to reflect the times. I think that is true of painters, sculptors, poets, musicians. How can you be an artist and not reflect the times? That to me is the definition of an artist.

Nina Simone

Grup Yorum - On the Move
K2_PUBLISHED_ON Tuesday, 07 May 2024 13:01

Grup Yorum - On the Move

in Music
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Grup Yorum on the move Grup Yorum are an ensemble I have deeply admired for many years, and even had the privilege to bring them to Britain to attend the Workers’ Music Association Summer School in 2023. Its hard to describe the extent to which they’ll fight for their political…
Class consciousness and a commitment to liberation: Duke Ellington and his music
K2_PUBLISHED_ON Monday, 06 May 2024 13:31

Class consciousness and a commitment to liberation: Duke Ellington and his music

in Music
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Duke Ellington, a prominent figure in music and cultural history, especially in jazz, died fifty years ago on May 24, 1974. Edward Kennedy Ellington was born into a lower middle-class family in Washington on April 29, 1899. His mother was the daughter of a former slave. Both parents played the…
Hue and Cry, and Labour's Lost Loves
K2_PUBLISHED_ON Friday, 29 March 2024 10:17

Hue and Cry, and Labour's Lost Loves

in Music
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‘Gonna withdraw my labour of love Gonna strike for the right to get into your heart, yeah Withdraw my labour of love Gonna strike for the right to get into your cold heart Ain't gonna work for you no more Ain't gonna work, for you no more’ – Hue and…
The John Maclean Centenary Concert
K2_PUBLISHED_ON Wednesday, 24 January 2024 11:11

The John Maclean Centenary Concert

in Music
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Celtic Connections put on a wonderful concert recently, in memory of Scotland’s great Marxist revolutionary, John Maclean (1879 -1923). Glasgow’s magnificent concert hall had the 2,000 strong audience deeply engaged with poetry readings and songs all commemorating a figure who entered Scottish folklore and legendary status after his untimely death,…
Using high art as an enrichment, not an escape
Wednesday, 03 January 2024 17:30

Using high art as an enrichment, not an escape

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in Music
In October 2023, I had the pleasure of reviewing a book by Jack Van Zandt – Alexander Goehr: Composing a life – published by Carcanet Press, the book reflects on the important figure, and pre-eminent composer Alexander Goehr. My review in the Morning Star covers my joyous feelings around the…
Friday, 26 May 2023 09:14

The politics of Eurovision

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in Music
Angus Reid reflects on the forces at play in the recent television extravaganza. Above image: Czeslaw Niemen wins Intervision in 1979 for Poland; Kaarija loses Eurovision in 2023 for Finland. Photo: Archiwum Grazyny Rutowskiej/CC It shocked Volodymyr Zelensky that he wasn’t allowed to be the first head of state to…
It's 4am.....
Wednesday, 12 April 2023 10:46

It's 4am.....

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in Music
Ron Brown reviews Calum Baird's latest song, available here and in the Youtube clip below When I first heard the opening lyrics to this song: "Well it's 4am and I'm writing this song what could possibly go wrong?" I have to admit to feeling this could go one way or…
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